Digital Art No. 8: Life is a ball

“Life is a Ball.” 

-euriana thought

Life is a ball by

Life is a ball by Oct. 24, 2015

Other titles:

  • Quotes: Day 3
  • Random Drawings: Life is a Ball

“Life is a ball” is  the line that runs through my head when I was sketching along using Tayasui Sketch App for the first time. I let my hands glide through slowly and have my brain decifer what my hand had achieved. If there’s an expression, “I let my feet take me wherever my feet will take me.”, this drawing is exactly what my hand took me.

Here is the link of the artwork if you want to look at it more closely.

Prints of postcards, magnets,etc are also sold here.

The quote or statement is what my mind conceived while sketching along the page. True that I made mistakes as I tried using different brushes and functions but in this artwork, but I prefered to leave the mistakes as part of the art as life if full of it.

  My conceptualization of this artwork is somewhat obvious and familliar to the viewer, hence, I dont need to explain why it is a ball, why the work is so simple and why I used the colors and etc.

Thus I leave the interpretation to the viewers.

Feel free to comment you interpretation/s or version of art below.

Thank you for dropping by.

Digital Art No. 4: HUG ME

“Everybody deserves to be loved.” euriana thinks.

"Hug me" said hug the hedgehog.

“Hug me” said hug the hedgehog.

Hug was my best friend and my pet. This artwork is made in memory of him.

I am recreating “Hug” as one of my digital partners to help me with my digital art experience.

HUG ME is designed to make a statement that regardless of nature, everybody deserves to be loved.

This is done using a free digital art mobile app. Vector art was done based on my previous drawing “Hug”.

This is my third digital artwork. (Signed)

If you wish to buy this design for your iphone or samsung smartphones, you may visit my shop here.

You can also buy stickers, leggings or duvets with this design.

Hope you enjoy!

Typhoon Hagupit

“There is always calm before the storm…

…silently waiting for it’s wrath.” -euriana

Super Typhoon Hagupit picture used is from

Typhoon Hagupit picture used is from

This picture is the expected typhoon “HAGUPIT” that is sweeping Philippines to the core again. This was taken from few days ago.

It is expected to be almost like Super Typhoon Haiyan but thankfully due to cold winds in the northern part of the Philippines, the expected super typhoon slows down and downgraded into a typhoon.

Bad news is that the direction that typhoon Hagupit heads to is the same path that Super Typhoon Haiyan rammed down more than a year ago.

The family that I’m with are praying fervently for days hoping that the  storm would fade away.

In this state, we as humans have nothing more to do but get prepared and wait.

The malls and stores all over the soon to be affected areas are almost emptied. Basic necessities such as canned food, noodles, bottled water, rubber boots, rain coats, candles, matches, blankets, toilet papers and few bags of clothing were readied. We are waiting for the go signal for evacuation. These are the normal thinking of people in the area I am living in. Panic buying, nervous, and worried people are a common sight.  As part of the family, I have no choice but go along with them, for it penchants safety. Somehow we are expecting the worse, waiting patiently and hope for the best.

I am most worried of the toddler companion of mine. She’s still young and know nothing much of this world but sometimes her words change my manner of thinking. Somehow she is the one who teaches me lessons in life.

Please pray for us.

Pray for all the countries and families that are affected and will be affected by this typhoon.


Hope this will not be my last entry.

For those who wish to know more about typhoon hagupit and updates, just click on this link.

” HUG” the Hedgehog

“A pet is never truly forgotten until it is no longer remembered.” – Lacie Petitto

In memory of "Hug" our pet hedgehog June 12 - December 6, 2014.

In memory of “Hug” our pet hedgehog June 12 – December 5, 2014.

“HUG” is our dear hedgehog pet for quite awhile. He’s been with us since June 12 until his last breath, today, December 5, 2014. He died due to infection and dehydration. It can’t be helped.

So today I made a drawing in memory of his existence. Although it was short but a pleasurable one. Hope he is doing fine in hedgehog heaven.

Done in pencil on paper based on a photo of him few days ago. This is one way of making him alive, I guess. I’m hoping to make him as one of my characters in my children’s illustration.

Lots of memories to consider.

It’ll be fun to remember him by.

Hope you’ll like this.

Yesterday is unfortunate

To the readers:

I would like to apologize to all that I may not be able to upload more digital art for awhile. I will have my laptop fix or maybe buy new computer, I don’t know yet. But when I finally get a hold of a computer, I’ll try make some new digital work for my art journal. Hopefully, I could have more soon. So please bear with me.

Thank you.

Thoughts over the matter:

I wanted to post some digital art I made yesterday, but I guess it is not meant to be posted. Too bad, I can’t have my previous work back. My files and artworks are all gone. It’s so unfortunate.

It is when I finally get a hold of the software CS and blogging, then out of the blue my laptop got fried. Well, my hard disk to be exact.

Then I thought, “It’s funny how LIFE play with our lives… or is it “ ..HOW WE PLAY our lives.“But whatever will be true, still “THIS IS LIFE.

Nothing is more sweeter than the thought of losing all your files and works you’ve made for the past few months and easily replaced by NEW BEGINNING.

New beginning penchant a nice thought of new ideas, maybe better than before.”

music to my ears* ( ^____^ )

Malaysia key holder

I meet a friend of mine few days ago. It’s been 5 years that we haven’t seen each other. Seeing her again, I realized how much time had pass.

We went out and had some coffee, reminiscing the past. It’s been awhile that we haven’t talk this much. She was working in Sri Lanka and there she met a nice engineer, photographer and hubby of her life. She eventually married her man and they decided to build their lives in Malaysia. She is a passionate teacher.

Now, she went back to Malaysia again and left me a nice memorabilia. She gave me a key holder from Malaysia.  Her name is “Henny.”

Malaysia key holder with bottle opener from Henny

( Petrona’s Twin Towers in the middle that can be flip around and have KUALA LUMPUR and MALAYSIA written in it)

Memorabilia’s sole purpose is to make you remember memories in the past. With this key holder, I remember having a wonderful time during our volunteering days teaching kids aging 3-16 years old English grammar, impromptu English choir, on-the-spot story telling of the kids themselves with acting, art classes, walk on the beach before sunset with the kids, had a crazy time preparing dinner and setting up camp for the overnight stay, drinking sessions as the night falls and dreaming of the future before going to sleep.

This memorabilia may seem simple but thus brings wonderful memories.

God! This makes me feel old.

But this also shows I’m having a great life. Hence, more reason to thank the world for everyday.

Wherever you and your love one maybe, I’m wishing you both the best. Thank you Henny.

simply Thoughts


Simply Thoughts by Lika aka euriana

Using the subjects such as the bee and the butterfly shows

a light yet fun whimsical childish expression of “simply Thoughts.”

I chose this design to express simply Thoughts because this will serve as a medium of expression in sharing what the content of my daily Life is.

In my opinion, the simple randomness we encounter in our daily life are the ones that truly make our lives meaningful and less boring. May it be a simple torn shoe, ordinary raggedy t-shirt, smell of newly baked pies of the next door neighbor, old radio that thrives to work, or just a gentle melancholic scene of drizzles of rain drops in your window pane. These little things make life worth living.

With my way of sharing my journey in life, I would like to share my simple Thoughts to the world. For those who stumble upon me and took time to read my scribbles, I hope I could impart to you a simple reminder what life is.

Thank you for dropping by.

May you’ll have a nice day.