About Euriana

Welcome to Euriana’s World of Simply Life

I love Euriana” by Euriana

Letter to the public:

Hi! I’m Euriana. I own this blog.Well, you can say I am the writer of this blog but to be honest with all of you, I don’t have such talent. I am not a writer or author of any kind. But since, I am starting now, for the very first time, I have to accept the fact that I have to try to be one. 

P.S. I would like to apologize to you for my flawed English from now on to the near future. Please bear with me.

Thank you!!!!



  • This blog entitled “EURIANA: Simply Life” will serve as the mode of expression in many forms of art.


  • Every man have the right and need to express oneself once in awhile. Hence, I decided to write a blog. It is a little selfish to actually say this. I believe this will help me understand the world around me, myself and others more.
  • I hope you will realize joy or at least smile with my blog.


  • I hope in the near future, I will be able to understand the complexity of life and more.


Thank you for your time.

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